About us
Who We Are
The Blue Water Recovery & Outreach Center (BWROC) was established in September 2017 as a non – profit 501(c)3 recovery community organization to help those struggling with addiction and connect them to recovery.
We are a local recovery group with first hand experience battling addiction and finding pathways to recovery. We are not licensed professionals, we simply know the everyday struggles and are here to help provide support and resources.
We believe this is a community problem and its going to take a united community for the solution.
Two major gaps in the Continuum of Care for Substance Abuse have been identified. These two gaps are Outreach into the community and Navigation to the multitude of resources currently available throughout Port Huron and St. Clair County These two gaps can best be filled by people and organizations that are already in Recovery. It has been shown that Addicts, Alcoholics and Family Members are much more likely to confide in people in Recovery because of the bond they have due to the disease.
As BWROC is run by people in Recovery, striving to fill those gaps, we find ourselves better able to identify and connect those struggling with addiction to resources and programs which have proven to be successful.
What We Do
How We Work

Our recovery outreach program (Recovery Education in the Workplace) works with manufacturing and affiliated companies, financial services organizations, local groups and agencies, local churches, our state department, and local school systems. We provide training on how to spot substance use in the workplace, as well as on site recovery education.
Through our weekly RECOVERY HAPPENS video series, we hope to reduce the stigma of addiction in our community. Every week a person in recovery or a supporter of recovery tells their story. We have had over 130,000 views. Important figures such as Our State Representative Shane Hernandez, Deacon Dennis Crimmins, Mayor Pauline Repp, Senator Dan Lauwers, Thelma Castillo (CEO of Blue Water Area Chamber), and Mr. Brian Eddy the principle of Imlay City High School have been guests on this series. They support BWROC and what they aim to do.
Our monthly Community Meetings (2nd Saturday of the month, see our Events Calendar) where we invite the Recovery Community and supporters of the Recovery Community to discuss and collaborate on solutions to the problem.

In addition to our monthly community meetings, we also coordinate a variety of monthly activities for people in recovery to get together, socialize and celebrate their accomplishments.
Additionally, we host two large community events each year to raise awareness and support. These events have attracted over 1000 attendees from those recovering, their friends and families, as well as members of the Greater Blue Water Community.
Our purpose is offering hope to encourage recovery.
Provide the face and voice of recovery, promote community wellness and engagement, & support all recovery pathways.
To be the hub of recovery in the heart of community