Your Connection to Recovery
Take the First Step

Through Support Groups
90 Days + Sobriety
last Year

What makes Blue Water Recovery & Outreach Center (BWROC) unique, is we are made up entirely of lived experience. We don’t operate under the traditional clinical methods which allows us to capitalize on relatability and trust. Both of which are keys to recovery success, ultimately helping our recovery community reach their goals. Our system serves as the quarterback to recovery; helping the individual navigate the local systems into treatment, after treatment, with employment, possible housing, life coaching and ultimately improving self-sufficiency.
As a Recovery Community Organization (RCO), BWROC’s mission is to help those seeking recovery from addiction. While we are not treatment providers, we are licensed & honor all pathways to recovery, existing to fill in gaps around & in lieu of treatment. Our purpose is to offer hope to encourage recovery, while providing & improving the quality of long-term recovery after care from alcohol and other drug addictions
Recovery Coaching
Recovery coaching is a form of strengths-based support for people with addictions or in recovery from alcohol, other drugs, codependency, or other addictive behaviors. They help clients find ways to stop addiction (abstinence), or reduce harm associated with addictive behaviors by assisting in finding resources for harm reduction, detox, treatment, family support and education, local or online support groups; or creating a change plan to recover on their own.
Recovery Events
Recovery events are outings or get togethers such as bowling events, dances, fairs, campouts, picnics, and music concerts that enable a substance-free community with fun opportunities to meet & encourage peers living similar lifestyles. Events sometimes feature celebrities that are passionate about addiction recovery, or politicians pushing for drug regulations.
Substance Use Help
Help with substance use includes Behavioral therapies to modify the attitudes and behaviors related to drug use, increase healthy life skills, and persist with other forms of treatment, such as medication. These therapies can be Outpatient which involve individuals and/or group drug counseling or Inpatient/residential treatment which offers 24-hour structured and intensive care, including safe housing and medical attention.
Support Groups
Support groups give people in recovery access to a social group with shared goals and values. This experience contributes to a sense of belonging, fosters a sense of shared purpose, and ultimately, increases self-belief, self-confidence, and self-esteem.
Workplace Education
A recovery-supportive workplace aims to prevent exposure to workplace factors that could cause or perpetuate a substance use disorder while lowering barriers to seeking care, receiving care, and maintaining recovery. A recovery-supportive workplace educates it’s management team and workers on issues surrounding substance use disorders to reduce the all-too-common stigma around this challenge.
Community Outreach
Community outreach provides services to the community and helps those in recovery regain exposure to the larger community while building individual confidence & strength.